Friday, August 28, 2009

Trip North

Wednesday morning I got up and headed up north; destination Colebrook, to visit a couple of my favorite people in the world. It's a haul (about 3.5 hours north) from Nashua, and I split the trip with a stop in Franconia Notch to snap off a few pictures. Thursday I took a scenic route home east from Colebrook, through Dixville Notch, past Lake Umbagog into Maine and down into Grafton Notch to check out Screw Auger Falls. I continued on back into New Hampshire, past Mt. Washington and down across the Kancamagus Highway west to Lincoln, and then down 93 back home. It was a beautiful day, and while I grabbed a few decent shots, I enjoyed the peacefulness of the day, had a chance to clear my head a little bit.

Here's the route I drove over the two days:

I included a couple of shots, you can see more and become a fan of my facebook page at:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Manchester's World War II Memorial Dedication

Sunday I had the pleasure of documenting the unveiling of the new WWII Memorial at Veterans Memorial Park in Manchester. It was another sweltering/muggy day that got cooled off by a touch of rain as the monument was about to be unveiled.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I decided to take another stab at photo blogging, and documenting my shooting as often as I can. Nothing more to add except welcome, enjoy, and I appreciate any and all comments!