Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009 - Random Quick Drive to Peterborough.

Thursday, late morning, after taking a shot of this tree next to the pond at the entrance to our development in Nashua, I decided to take a random drive west on 101. Not having any particular destination in mind, I stopped in Peterborough at Miller State Park atop Mt. Monadnock. I included two images, one from the top of the mountain, the second from the decent down the auto road. The final three images are from Cunningham Pond, also in Peterborough. Enjoy


  1. was the sky/lighting really that awesome that day, or did you fiddle around with these? either way, awesome pics. :)

  2. Define 'fiddle' :) I combined bracket exposures which brings out hilights in shadows for a nice dramatic effect. (look up HDR images)
